Making Time To Be With Yourself Is The Greatest Gift We Give The World


Taking time for ourselves does not mean we are taking time from something else.

Giving ourselves the gift of just being with ourselves can be huge.

When we make it a priority in our lives we are better able to be present for others.

It may not seem like that at the time. It may feel a bit selfish.

Yet no matter how we take time to be with ourselves, we can then show up for others in a more clear and open manner.

Yes, we all have responsibilities and roles to play.

Yes, we all have so many things pulling at our attention.

Yes, it takes some effort to make the time to meditate or take a walk by ourselves.

That effort though will be greatly rewarded with the peace and serenity we are cultivating.

It is not about forcing ourselves to do what we feel we should be doing.

It is not about living up to some promise.

It is about being generous with ourselves because we all deserve it.

The funny thing is, the more generous we are with ourselves, the more generous can be with others.

~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant

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