Freedom Lies Not In The External World It Is In Our Internal Limitlessness


Being free with ourselves feels good.

It may not be natural in our society, yet it is still an inherent desire.

To be free with ourselves is to be free from fear.

To be free from concerns.

To be free from the worry of what others will think.

Being free is not about living in a free country or an open society.

Being free is about being free from our own internal bonds.

It's about being free from our preconceptions and our biases.

It's about being free from our assumptions and our nightmares.

To be a truly free spirit is to allow our heart and soul to shine.

Regardless of what anyone else thinks.

Regardless of what anyone else does.

Regardless of what anyone else says.

To be truly free means to be so free on the inside that the outside is of little consequence.

It means we have a free mind, heart, body, and soul.

It does not have to mean that we are free to do what we want.

Yet it does mean that we are free to think and feel what we want.

We are free to choose what meaning we make from any given circumstance.

We are free to feel what we choose to feel about ourselves and the world.

No one can take that freedom away from us.

No one can take the desire for freedom away from us.

No one can take our free will away from us.

External choices may be limited.

Yet internal choices are always limitless.

In that limitlessness lies our freedom.

~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant

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