Many Times Slowing Down Is The Fastest Way To Get To Where We Are Going


You see it everywhere.

People are rushing from one place to the next.

Rushing to get their project done.

Rushing to go home, go away, go get their coffee.

We rush because we think that's the fastest way to get something done.

Yet when we rush all the time we miss things.

We miss the little details that make all the difference.

We miss the birds chirping as we walk to the train.

We miss the error in the program as we rush to finish the app.

We miss the look on our partner's face as we rush out the door to get to work.

Sometimes, perhaps even most times, by slowing down we actually are going the fastest way.

By slowing down we can take in more.

By slowing down we can be more present.

By slowing down we can feel more of what is going on inside and outside of us.

When we take the time to really look at what is going on, either at work, at home, or anywhere in between, we can often find a better, simpler, more direct way to achieve what we are looking for.

It may be counter-intuitive, yet it still works.

Even taking the time to ask ourselves, "What am I trying to achieve?" can slow us down and help to remind us what it is we are really after.

Do we slow down enough to read the entire article?

Do we slow down enough to see the smile on our lover's lips?

Do we slow down enough to see the potential hazard on the road?

Speed does not equal the shortest distance.

Taking our time is sometimes the fastest way to get where we are going.

Or perhaps it is just about recognizing that we are already there...

~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant

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