Sometimes It Is Okay To Wait To Process Our Pain


We do not always have to deal with everything right away.

Sometimes, we just don't have the space or the time.

We have responsibilities and duties to take care of right now.

And that is okay.

It is okay to hold back those tears.

It is okay to not to express that grief.

It is not necessary to process our emotions when we don't feel safe.

As long as we remember that one day we will.

As long as it is a conscious choice and that we know one day we will let it all out.

It can be easy to shut down our emotions and just keep living.

Our day to day routine may not give us much room to breath.

And we can handle it, for a time.

We can keep working this way, even if it not optimal.

We are humans living in a human world that is not perfect and does not always allow us the space we need.

Yet eventually we must make the time and create the space to give us that opportunity.

We all need that release of pent up emotion and energy.

To hold onto it forever only hurts us more.

When we find that quiet time and give ourselves the room to let those emotions out, we feel better.

Perhaps not in the moment.

Perhaps not when we are grieving a loss or feeling a deep pain.

Yet when we are on the other side of it, life feels different.

We are a little lighter, a little more at ease.

Maybe we have held on to the pain for so long we forgot what it is all about.

Yet our body still knows, our body remembers.

So even if we cannot allow ourselves to cry profusely in the moment, it does not mean we never will.

Indeed, to find real peace with whatever happened we must cry and sob and let it all out.

In the proper place and time.

Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow.

Eventually, we will.

We must.

So let's stop thinking that we have to let it all to right away and find the right time and place to do it.

So when can you give yourself some time to feel the pain?

~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant

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