The Quality Of Our Lives Is Determined By The Quality Of The Questions We Ask


How often do we listen to the questions we ask ourselves in our heads?

How often do we ask ourselves questions that cannot be answered?

How does it affect how we feel about ourselves and our lives?

When we start to become more conscious and mindful we start to observe ourselves more.

We start to notice little things, such as how we ask such things as "Why does this always happen to me?"

We can look at this and see that questions like this are not helpful to ask ourselves.

For when we ask ourselves any question, it feeds the unconscious mind which then goes to work finding the answers to our questions.

This is a very powerful form of programming that we do to ourselves.

Yet when we ask questions that will inevitably lead to negative answers, it disempowers us.

The solution is to ask more empowering questions that actually serves us.

Questions such as "How can this serve me?" or "How can I have fun with this?" point our minds in a direction that creates a better life for ourselves.

In general, Why questions do not serve us.

How and What questions are usually much more constructive.

So as we notice ourselves asking questions that do not serve us, we can learn to re-frame them into questions that move us forward.

"How does this help me?"

"What can I do to improve this situation?"

"Where can I find more resources to help me with this challenge?"

These are all good questions that move us closer to an answer that actually helps us to find real solutions to the things we face in life.

As we become more adept at asking high-quality questions, the quality of our life improves.

What high-quality questions can you start asking yourself today?

~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant

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