To Go With The Flow Requires Our Trust and Surrender


To Go With The Flow is more difficult than we think.

It takes more than just doing nothing.

It takes more than just following the path in front of you.

It is about surrender.

It is about letting go of our expectations and allowing Life to unfold unfettered.

We all have ideas and expectations of how we want things to go.

We create plans and strategies for how to live our lives.

And then Life happens and we learn to adjust those plans.

Still we work on trying to get where we want to go, even when the signs all point towards something else.

We rush, we work harder, we work longer hours, and we do whatever it takes to get it done.

The one thing we don't do is surrender to the moment.

To let go of our expectations.

To trust in Life and in what unfolds before us.

We think we know better.

We think we are wiser than the circumstances before us.

What will it take for us to just breath into it?

What will it take for us to drop our ideas and our preconceptions?

What will it take to release our judgments of what should and shouldn't be?

When will we begin to see the Universe as being perfect, just the way it is?

When will we accept tat we really don't have the perspective to judge the events before us as good or bad?

When we finally do, then we can Go With The Flow.

Then we can trust and allow.

Then we can be present to whatever is taking place and be at peace.

Is that not what we are all seeking?

~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant

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