To trust and appreciation


What are we willing to sacrifice for the sake of certainty?We all seek security and certainty in many aspects of our lives. We feel we need the certainty of that paycheck, of the commuter train, of our usual grocery store. We expect and want things to be the way they have been.So when do we allow life to show us something different? Show us a new path, a different way to approach the life we are given?Our imagination does not operate when we are stuck on certainty. Our creativity does not flourish when we are stuck in our routines.Security is an illusion, and the only true certainty is that our imagination creates our life. Do you want a different life? Then imagine it different! How would you want it to be different, what colors, sounds, smells would be in this different life?If we can take the leap from certainty and security to trust and appreciation, we can open up whole new worlds...

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