We Create Our Lives Through Our Focus, Energy, and Decisions


Taking responsibility for our lives is not easy.

It means accepting that we create all the good stuff and all the bad stuff in our lives.

It means there is no one else to blame for our situation.

Yet it also means we are empowered to create something different.

Often, we fall into the trap of making excuses and blaming others for where we are in life.

We are where we are because of our parents, our teachers, our coaches, our bosses, or our lovers.

We are sad or angry or upset because of what someone else has done.

We cannot do what we truly want because of our responsibilities to others.

Yet, who agreed to be in those situations to begin with?

How we came to our choices and decisions may go far back.

Perhaps a decision we made in school had far reaching effects on our lives.

At the time, we had no clue how that one little choice would send us in a totally different trajectory.

And step by step, we move towards one thing or away from another.

The energy we put into each situation has consequences and moves us further towards or away from what we want.

As days and weeks and months pass, we may even forget that original choice.

Years go by and instead of being in one place we are in a completely different place.

So who is say that it's better or worse than someplace else?

Ultimately it is a place of our own making.

It is a place formulated by our own choices.

It is a situation that arises from the energy we put out.

Yes, that means we are responsible for where we are.

Yes, that mean we have to take credit for all the bad as well as all the good around us.

Yes, that means we have created our lives to be exactly how they are at this moment.

The good news is that we can always learn to make different choices.

As long as we are still breathing, we have an opportunity to do something different.

The real question is, what are we going to do with this power?

What are we going to create next in our lives?

Who are we going to show up as and be next?

~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant

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